Kiln dried logs are only twenty three years old and were first introduced in November 2000. Kiln dried logs are dried over a period of days in specialist kilns, where the moisture is removed. This means the logs are left with less than twenty percent moisture and are ready to burn when they arrive on your doorstep.

If you are wondering if kiln dried logs are worth it, you will find they offer numerous benefits, making them well worth the money.

Require Less Storage Space

One of the many things that make kiln dried logs worth it is that they don’t need as much storage space as seasoned wood or green wood. Firewood tends to be bulky, making storage challenging. If you buy green wood and season it yourself, for twelve or eighteen months, storage quickly becomes a problem. Kiln dried logs require less storage space, making them more convenient for home owners.

High Efficiency

Kiln dried logs are definitely worth it, offering high efficiency. They offer excellent results with a consistent quality and low moisture content. As a result, these logs burn better and are easier to manage, both indoors and outdoors. They keep a good flame for a longer period.

Risk of Insects Eliminated

The kiln drying process will eradicate any disease and pests. It kills any bugs in the wood, so you are assured that you won’t be introducing any insects into your home. Kilns are generally heated to approximately one hundred degrees Celsius for a period of four to six days. Be aware, if you store your logs in the garage or shed before use to keep them dry, the dryness of the wood can be attractive to certain insects around your home, including wasps.

Cost Effective

While you may notice that kiln dried logs are more expensive than seasoned or green wood initially, you need to remember, thanks to their high efficiency and long burn times, you use less logs to fuel your fire and warm your home. As a result, you do not need to constantly add wood to the fire to maintain a consistent heat. This means the logs you purchase will last longer and you won’t need to restock as often, making them a cost effective solution to warm your home this winter.

Low Moisture Content

As mentioned, kiln dried logs have a moisture content of less than twenty percent. This is very important as it ensures they do not give off volatile gases. When the wood is filled with moisture, the energy of the fire is used to dry the wood, rather than warm your home. This means seasoned and green wood tends to take much longer before you start feeling the effects. In addition to this, dry wood doesn’t give off as much residue, helping to keep your chimney cleaner for longer.

Very Little Smoke

Kiln dried logs are worth it, especially for those living in smokeless areas. Most wood gives off smoke due to the moisture content. The more moisture in the wood, the more smoke will escape through the chimney. With kiln dried logs and their low moisture content, the level of smoke is dramatically reduced, making it ideal in smokeless areas. Thanks to their reduced smoke, they are safer for inside the home, reducing the risk of you and your family inhaling the smoke.

Environmentally Friendly

Burning wood releases particulates into the air, as a result Defra in the UK have implemented smokeless zones throughout the country, in order to reduce impact on the environment. With less smoke, less particulates, less insects, and more, kiln dried logs are environmentally friendly. They are also sustainable with the majority of this wood being sourced from sustainable forests.


As you can see, kiln dried logs are worth it in the long run, whether you want to warm your home, light a fire pit in your back garden, or invite friends or a barbecue. With less smoke, high efficiency, long burning times, environmentally friendly, and easy storage, they are a great choice for any family home.