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How much do your briquettes cost?

Briquettes are a heating fuel made from compressed wood chips and sawdust. When you think of briquettes, your mind may immediately wander to coal briquettes, but biomass briquettes, such as our wood briquettes, are environmentally friendly, sustainable, and high quality.

The Benefits of Using Briquettes

Our wood briquettes offer a wealth of amazing benefits when compared to traditional firewood:

  • High energy density
  • Excellent heat output
  • Long burn duration
  • Low moisture content
  • Ready to Burn certified for immediate use in the UK
  • Clean and efficient burn
  • Easy to store and handle
  • Sustainably sourced
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Minimal smoke
  • No chemicals, adhesives, or glues

How Much Do Our Briquettes Cost?

All our wood briquettes are hand selected, ensuring that they are sustainably sourced, offering you a high quality Ready to Burn certified fuel source, you can use in your home with confidence.

RUF Briquettes

RUF briquettes are brick-like in shape, made from one hundred percent ecological sawdust, without any dangerous chemicals or glue. Our RUF briquettes provide a long burn with excellent heat output. They an be used in wood burning stoves and fireplaces.

RUF briquettes are Ready to Burn certified. They come in a box or a palette of forty nine boxes, each box comprises of ten kilograms of briquettes measuring 34cm x 28cm x 34.5cm. The price ranges from £27.50 to £686.00 inclusive of VAT.

Hardwood Heat Logs

Our hardwood heat logs are a great alternative to traditional firewood, they are clean and easy to store. They have a log appearance, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. They are long burning with an outstanding heat output.

These hardwood heat logs are also Ready to Burn certified with each box weighing twenty kilograms. You can purchase them as a single box or a palette of fifty six boxes, with each log measuring 20cm x 48cm x 30cm. The price ranges from £24.50 to £480.00 inclusive of VAT.

Pini Kay Heat Logs

Pini Kay Heat Logs have minimal moisture and they are tightly compacted, providing high temperatures with long burn durations. They are ideal for wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Each box includes two plastic wrapped packages, containing twelve briquettes each, equating to twenty four heat logs per box. They are Ready to Burn certified and can be purchased per box or a palette of ninety six bags. These heat logs are 22cm x 6.5cm and prices range from £25.00 to £520.00 inclusive of VAT.

How to Use Briquettes

Our briquettes offer excellent value for money. Yes, they may appear more expensive than coal briquettes or traditional firewood, but they offer a long burn duration, with each briquette burning for two hours or more. As a result, you use less briquettes to heat your home, making them a cost effective fuel option for your home.

When starting your fire, whether in your wood burning stove or fireplace, you will want to use some of our dried kindling. A few pieces is all you need to get your fire alight. Once your kindling is lit, we recommend adding two briquettes, allowing them to catch alight. You can add a third, if you feel it necessary. As these are long burning, you will only need to tend to your fire when it starts to go out, saving you valuable time, enabling you to enjoy the warmth with your family.

How to Store Briquettes

Our wooden briquettes are all Ready to Burn certified, which means they have been laboratory tested to prove their low moisture content. These can be used in homes throughout the country, including those in smokeless areas.

When it comes to storage, we recommend storing your briquettes indoors where possible, keeping them dry. Even though the moisture has been eliminated from the briquettes, they can still absorb moisture.

If you must store them outdoors, ensure they are off the ground and covered in a waterproof cover, avoiding any moisture getting into them.