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Can the Logs be used in Wood-Burning Stoves?

At Logs For Sale Near Me, we only supply the finest quality, Ready to Burn certified, kiln dried logs, that are ideal for wood-burning stoves.

A Quick View of Logs for Wood-Burning Stoves

  • Hardwoods are preferred as they are slow burning, produce more heat, and produce less creosote, reducing your risk of chimney fires
  • Softwoods burn quickly, hot, and are considerably cheaper. They are also messy, producing a lot of ash
  • Kiln dried logs are efficient, producing a high heat output, long burn time, and quick ignition
  • Green logs are cheaper, producing a lot of smoke, pollutants, and creosote, along with a lot of ash
  • Log size should be based on your wood-burner.
  • Dense hardwoods are best, such as ash, birch, and oak

Hardwood vs Softwood

When it comes to selecting the best wood for your wood-burning stove, you need to decide whether hardwood or softwood is your best choice. Hardwood kiln dried logs that we supply are made from ash, birch, or oak. They offer the following benefits:

  • Slower and longer burn – hardwood provides a steady and long lasting burn, reducing how many logs you use and how often you tend to your fire
  • High heat output – hardwood is dense and therefore they offer a higher heat output than softwoods. They produce more BTUs (British Thermal Units). Hardwood produces approximately fifteen to twenty million BTUs per cord
  • Produces less creosote – hardwood are clean burning, leaving less creosote build up in your flue or chimney. This reduces the risk of chimney fires

Kiln Dried or Green Logs

As mentioned previously, our kiln dried logs are Ready to Burn certified. This means they have been laboratory tested, ensuring that they have a low moisture content. Our kiln dried logs go through a drying process, eliminating moisture to below twenty percent. Kiln dried logs are advantageous when compared to green logs for your wood-burning stove:

  • Efficient burn thanks to the low moisture content. This means that the energy released goes into heating your room, rather than evaporating the moisture in the wood
  • High heat output thanks to its dry wood calorific value, giving off twenty five percent more heat when compared to green logs
  • Easy to light thanks to the low moisture content, enabling you to go your fire started quickly and easily
  • Cleaner burn thanks to the drying process. Kiln dried logs are considerably safer, producing less smoke, creosote, or pollutants
  • Less ash due to the drying process, making cleaning up easy and effective
  • No insects due to the kiln drying process that eliminates woodworm and other insects that you may find in green wood
  • Ready to Burn certified, meaning that they can be burned the minute the logs arrive on your doorstep. Ready to Burn certified means our logs have been laboratory tested to guarantee a moisture content of less than twenty percent.

What Type of Kiln Dried Logs Are Suitable for My Wood-Burner?

The best wood varieties for wood burners includes:

  • Oak is very dense, with a slow and hot burn. This wood variety produces a high heat value and a long burn
  • Ash does not spit or spark. It is dense and long burning
  • Birch has a pleasant sent, is easy to light, burns brightly, and provides excellent heat


Yes our Ready to Burn certified, kiln dried ash, oak, and birch logs are suitable for use in your wood-burning stove, offering excellent heat output, a long burn, less smoke and creosote, along with a low moisture content of less than twenty percent, that ensures an easy ignition.