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Are the Logs Suitable for Use in a Fireplace?

The trick to a great fire is less smoke. Now this is not what you know. Chances are you were raised hearing the common saying, “where there is smoke, there is fire.” Today we are able to provide you with Ready to Burn certified kiln dried logs, that are growing in popularity with home owners and business owners to use in fireplaces throughout the country. Kiln dried logs have transformed how we light our fireplace, offering a cleaner, longer lasting, and efficient fire.

What Are Kiln Dried Logs?

Kiln dried logs are dried in a controlled environment, namely in a kiln. The process ensures the logs lose their moisture at a fast rate, ensuring that when you receive your logs they have a moisture content of less than twenty percent. This is a big contrast when you take seasoned logs into consideration, that can have a moisture content of up to fifty percent.

Our kiln dried logs are made using ash, oak, or birch. These are hardwood’s and are considered the best firewood here in the UK. These woods are known for their high heat output and long burn duration. When you add a low moisture content, they burn cleaner, leaving less ash and creosote, they also produce minimal smoke, enabling you to use these logs in smokeless zones.

Kindly note: Our kiln dried logs are Ready to Burn certified. This means that they have been laboratory tested to ensure that they meet the low moisture content of less than twenty percent, enabling you to buy with one hundred percent confidence, even if you live in a smokeless area in the UK.

Why Use Kiln Dried Logs in a Fireplace?

Kiln dried logs can be used in log burners and fireplaces, they can be used in homes and businesses. They can even be used in pizza ovens. They offer a range of benefits, including:

Energy Efficiency

 Kiln dried logs are highly energy efficient and ideal for your fireplace this winter. With their low moisture content of less than twenty percent, they burn hotter and more efficiently. They produce more heat per log than other firewood’s, meaning you use less logs to achieve the same heat, saving you money and energy.

Less Smoke, Less Emissions

Chances are every winter, you light your fire, as puffs of smoke make their way into the room. The problem is that this can cause a problem for those with respiratory issues. Now imagine being able to light your fire, with a tiny puff of smoke and then there is no more smoke, making it safer for you and your family? Kiln dried logs are dry enough that they don’t let off a lot of smoke or emissions. This means a cleaner and healthier environment with less pollution in the air.

Longer Burn

The one downside of a fireplace is that you tend to have to get up at regular intervals to poke and reload your fire to keep your home warm on cold winter nights. Imagine being able to eliminate this. With kiln dried logs, you enjoy a longer burn time. In fact, these logs should be able to burn for a good few hours before you need to add more. The longer burn time means less trips to your woodpile, more time enjoying the heat they provide, and the ability to save money by using less logs in the long run.


Our Ready to Burn certified Kiln Dried Logs are ideal for fireplaces and wood burners. In addition to being energy efficient, producing less smoke and emissions, while offering a longer burn, our logs provide a high heat output with less creosote, which reduces the risk of chimney fires.