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What Types of Wood Do You Supply? Why Ash, Oak, and Birch are a Top Choice?

When it comes to selecting firewood to burn in your wood burner or fireplace at home, it is important to know that not all wood is equal. The various tree species offer different heat outputs, burning temperatures, burn times, ease of lighting, and the production of ash and smoke.

Best Wood for Burning

There is a reason why at Logs for Sale Near Me we supply ash, oak, and birch kiln dried logs. These are the best woods for burning in the UK. These three woods are considered the best firewood and here is why:

  1. Oak is long burning with fantastic heat output
  2. Birch is easy to light with a beautiful flame
  3. Ash is easy to light with outstanding heat output

Long Burning with High Heat Output

Oak kiln dried logs are preferred for their long burning and excellent heat output. This is an abundant tree species in the UK. This hardwood tree species has an excellent heating value of 25,700,000 million British Thermal Units (BTU) per cord. Oak is a dense wood that burns longer and hotter. It offers a high heat output with a clean burn, producing less ash and smoke.

It provides consistent and steady heat, so you don’t have to tend to your fire as often. It is excellent when you want to heat your home using a fire throughout the winter months, as it can keep your home warm all night, using less logs, saving you money in the long run.

Ease of Use

Kiln dried birch logs are very popular as they are dense, making them exceptionally easy to light. Birch is great to start a fire, often used outdoors. Birch kiln dried logs have a heat output of 20,300,000 BTU per cord. While it doesn’t have the high heat output of oak or, it is easy to light, it offers a bright flame, and it’s a cost effective choice.

Exceptional Heating Properties

Kiln dried ash logs tend to be the firm favourite among home owners in the United Kingdom. Ash is known for being easy to light with exceptional heating properties. They are energy dense, offering 23,600,000 BTU per cord. Ash sits between ash and birch, producing very little smoke with no sparks when it burns.

Kiln Dried Log Benefits

Kiln dried logs differ from seasoned wood. Kiln dried oak, ash, and birch all are heated in a kiln over a period of days to reduce the moisture content to less than twenty percent. This means that whether you choose ash, oak, or birch kiln dried logs, you enjoy the same outstanding benefits.

Kiln dried logs are very easy to light with a bit of kindling, because of their low moisture content. Dry wood is easy burning wood. This means you can choose oak, ash, or birch kiln dried logs to ensure the same ease when lighting your fire.

When you buy kiln dried logs, you don’t have to worry about insects or mould, as it is all removed during the kiln drying process. It is important to note that should you store your kiln dried logs outdoors, some wasp species will turn your dry logs into their winter home.

Kiln dried ash, oak, and birch are all environmentally friendly options, producing very little smoke and barely any creosote. Creosote is what builds up in your chimney and flue, increasing the risk of fire. Kiln dried ash, oak, and birch are all sustainably sourced, making it a great option to reduce your carbon footprint, while being ideal for those living in smokeless zones in the UK.