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Do You Provide Kindling or Fire Starters?

Even when using our Ready to Burn certified kiln dried logs, using kindling or fire starters is an effective way to get your fire lit quickly. When choosing kindling or fire starters, we recommend natural and sustainable products, rather than chemically infused fire starters, that leave mountains of black smoke and a very unpleasant aroma.


We supply high quality, Ready to Burn certified, kindling, that come from selected conifers. We debark the kindling and dry them to reduce the moisture content. We provide our wood kindling in a choice of packaging sizes, helping you start your fire in the cleanest way possible.

Our wood kindling is Ready to Burn certified, does not contain bark, has a moisture content of less than twenty percent, and comes in a 14cm length.

Natural Wood Fire Starters

Our natural wood fire starters are odourless and wax coated. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. You can use them in your fireplace or log burner with confidence. They ignite instantly, they are non-toxic, safe for use in pizza ovens, and burn for up to eleven minutes, ensuring your kiln dried logs light with ease.

What is Kindling?

Kindling is small, dry sticks of wood that are used to get your fire burning. They are small pieces that catch fire quickly, thanks to their low moisture content. They burn hot and fast, helping to light your kiln dried logs and get your fire going.

Quick and Easy to Use

One of the main reasons to use kindling wood, is it is able to light your fire quickly. Unlike larger logs that take time to catch alight, kindly burns quickly due to its dryness and small size. Place the kindling below your Ready to Burn certified kiln dried logs to create a consistent and strong fire base.


Kindling is very reliable when looking for a high quality fire starter, even in the most challenging conditions. If you have experienced adverse weather and all your seasoned wood is wet, your kindling will get the fire started. Remember wet wood is never good to burn, it will produce a lot of smoke, not a lot of heat, and will create creosote, which increases your chances of a chimney fire.

Eco Friendly and Sustainable

Kindling promotes environmentally friendly and sustainable fire lighting practices. Rather than relying on chemical fire lighters, which release harmful pollutants into the air, kindling wood are natural and safe.

Important Safety Tips When Using Wood Kindling or Natural Fire Starters

Kindly is highly efficient as a fire starter, but you need to learn how to use them safely. When lighting kindling, it’s advisable to keep your distance from the flames, as they catch quickly and burn hot and fast. A good option is to use long matches to avoid getting too close.

There should be adequate ventilation in the area when starting a fire. Avoid lighting kindling in an enclosed area without ventilation to avoid smoke build up and harmful gasses. Know your local fire regulations, especially when living in a smokeless zone.


Our high quality, dried, and Ready to Burn certified kindling go hand in hand with our kiln dried logs. Our logs are dried to a moisture content of less than twenty percent, producing less smoke, while offering excellent heat output and a long burn duration. Using natural wood kindling is sustainable and environmentally friendly, helping to get your Ready to Burn certified kiln dried logs lit, providing you with a consistent heat to warm your home this winter season.